The musings of another Freak in the Freak Kingdom...

Friday, August 3, 2007

Why? Why must I endure this on a daily basis?

If you're reading this, odds are you know me. If you know anything about me, you know that people annoy the hell out of me quite easily. But for the love of god, why do I have to endure the things that I have to endure day in and day out?

This story may require a little bit of back-story, so here it is. Where I work, there is a really nice lady a couple cubicles away from mine. I'm not entirely sure what she does, but regardless, she's still quite a nice person. One thing that annoys me about her, however, is the fact that at least once a day I hear her telling someone that her son owns his own business. This is just staggeringly stupid, and here's why: He washes cars.
If you have employees, you own a business. If you wash cars, you own a fucking hose and maybe a god-damned bucket. It's basically two steps up from a fucking lemonade stand (the middle level being, of course, dealing crack).
If she had a cock, I would punch her in it every time I am exposed to her blathering about her son and his wonderful "business".

But I digress. The real purpose of this entry is to convey how much I absolutely despise children, and their god-awful parents.

Just the other day, this lady's son, the paradigm of human intelligence, came into the office to visit her for whatever reason. I guess the car-washing business is slow right now or something. Apparently, he felt that it was appropriate to bring his wife and child. His wailing, sobbing, screaming, whining, smelling, dripping child. I'm trying to get my work done, and this miniature air-raid siren somehow finds it's way into the office. I don't get paid enough for that shit.
To top it all off, they kept apologizing to everyone for all the noise. Yeah. Thanks. Apologizing does not silence your god-damned yard-ape. Next time leave your precious little snowflake in the cage at home where it belongs.

Sometimes I just want to commit seppuku.


Rude & Reckless said...

Not sure why, but this reminds me of my last job. Where we would make fun of the customers who asked astonishingly ignorant questions. We would either laugh in their face, or once they left, we would burst into uncontrollable bouts of hysteria. human stupidity never ceases to amaze.Yet somehow we maintain our status as the most brilliant of earth's life forms. Which I have come to find questionable. I have a small child, but what you stated is an all too accurate description. humorously detailed by the way. Just writing to let you know that you have a creative knack for animated story telling. It is highly entertaining!!

Darth Jader said...

Yard-ape.. that's fabulous.

I can't stand small children, generally.