The musings of another Freak in the Freak Kingdom...

Friday, August 24, 2007

I Hate The World Today

Yesterday, I was visiting a friend of mine at her apartment. I went right after work, and I was there for several hours playing World of Warcraft (we’re geeks, we know). At the end of the night, I packed up my laptop and everything, and headed down to my car to go home. When I got to my car, I discovered that someone had, from the looks of it, thrown a rock or something at one of my rear windows, and cracked the entire thing. I’m not talking a small crack, or a little bit of spider-webbing. The entire window was covered in cracks. There is not an inch of space on the window where there is not a crack.

What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. People?

There really is no way for me to find out who exactly it was that did it, as the apartment complex has no security cameras, and only one foot-patrol security guard, but I have my suspicions.

For one thing, un-attended children (twelve and under) roam this slum in packs of a dozen or so at just about all hours of the day. Being that this apartment complex is rent controlled, it is inhabited by the sort of lazy fucks who work twenty hours a week (if that), and crap out four kids that they can’t afford, and have no interest in actually raising.

My other suspicion is the teenage kids who hang around the apartment complex at night (when the packs of children are no longer running around) in groups upwards of thirty. These are the bastards that the un-attended children will grow into. These are the little fuckers that, as I’m walking up to my friend’s apartment, yell things at me like “Fuckin’ cracka’!” and “Stupid white-boy!”

Apparently racism is only unacceptable when a white guy is the one doing it.

The really frustrating part of all of this: There is absolutely nothing I can do. All I really can do, is keep my head down like a good white boy, and pay to have my window fixed, out of my own pocket.

I could call the apartment’s management company, but I can almost guarantee that they won’t give a shit. I could call the police, but really….what would they do? There is no evidence against any particular person, and they have about forty suspects that they could work with. Not to mention, they have no revenue to collect from the incident, so why would they be interested? I could try to reason with the teenagers and children that are roaming around the place when I come and go, but I think we can all agree that there is no reasoning with these little bastards who think that they own the world. I could take matters into my own hands, and personally beat every single motherfucking teenager and child that roams that hellhole into a bloody pulp, but we all know what that would be, being that I’m a white guy: A hate crime. Of course it’s a fucking hate crime, you retards. I hate dumbass, thugged out, criminals who have no respect for other peoples’ property; and I fucking hate idiot low-income parents who crap out as many kids as their welfare can support, with little to no interest in actually ever taming the little bastards. Besides, even if the legality wasn’t an issue, that would just invite more of these assholes to come fuck with my car.

I can’t wait until I start being told to move to the back of the bus.


Anonymous said...

"by the sort of lazy fucks who work 20 hours a day"

.... really?

Rude & Reckless said...

It is true that racism is only unacceptable if it is a white person who is expressing their views. Being that I grew up in Oakland Ca. one of the countries largest populations of African American gatherings, not to mention one of the most notorious crime locations worldwide. I am all to familiar with the phrase, " its cause I'm black ain't it?"
My question is, since we can't say anything about how the majority of these people tend to be uneducated, and actually think its cool? Because they so choose.
Our world is having a bit of an identity crisis in my opinion, that has gone way too far to say the least. We have white people who not only listen to predominantly Hip-Hop music, and dress the part, but they have to go one step further and act the part as well. Since when did speaking like your average uneducated black American become a cool thing? Well it has been going on for some time. How is it that these people are having such an impact on our world, that even our movies and basic cable television are being over run by this Hip-Hop extremity. I hate the world today, isn't enough to sum up this outrage to society. What the fuck is wrong with all of these idiotic and highly impressionable people?
Now I was in target a few weeks ago, and as I was emptying the content of my cart onto the conveyor belt to purchase, someone behind me said sarcastically, "SHE has enough money to pay for all of that stuff, i doubt it!"
I wanted to turn and say something polite like "that shows you can't judge someone on appearance alone." But instead I turned my head to peer down on a smiling black boy, about 14 years old, Obviously old enough to know what it was that he had said, and proud to boot. Needless to say, I said to him "what a little bastard." Looking very appalled, he began uttering various rants in my general direction, which I took as jealous remarks. lol. I want to know what has this world come to, that this kid thinks he can realistically judge me, what he probably meant to say was "I wish we could afford all of that stuff. How does she have so much money."
I had no idea this area was full of so many of these ignorant people, or I don't think I would ever have moved here. If they so choose to be ignorant and express the opinions that they feel about me, then I will continue to do the same, yet I will always be the one in the wrong, because that is how our society is run. And that is why racism can never be abolished.
Sad but true.