The musings of another Freak in the Freak Kingdom...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Why Isn't Everyone Taught Manual?

I got a new car yesterday....well, new to me. It is a 2002 Honda Civic EX Coupe. It is a pretty nice little car. Two door, power windows/locks, sun/moonroof, manual transmission. The only problem....I don't drive manual, or rather, didn't until now. I'm getting the hang of it. The only problem I have right now is getting moving from a stop. Once I'm moving, I have no problems switching gears. I'll get it eventually.
In any event, this brings me to my point: This would be so much easier if I had learned how to drive with a manual transmission right from the start. Why isn't everyone taught this? It isn't really that difficult, and you never know when you might need to drive a stick-shift. If you can drive a manual, you can drive an automatic. If you can drive an automatic, you may not necessarily be able to drive a manual. Why not just teach everyone to drive manual?

Meh. I had a point when I started this. It appears to have escaped me. Maybe I should just get back to angrily ranting?

Bah! No more time. Off to work I go.

1 comment:

Rude & Reckless said...

I'm thinking of getting a Honda Civic next year, can you believe I don't even have a license yet? Can you say lame?
Anyway, I noticed that you were checkin' out the old profile. *sarcastically* I thought you hated children ;-).
I know it's immature and childish, but you should give this survey a try for shits. copy, paste, and re-post.

Start time:




Shoe size:


What are u wearing?

Favorite Number:

Favorite Drink:

Favorite Month:

Favorite Breakfast:

***********Have You Ever*****************

Broken a bone:

Been in a police car?

Been on a boat:

Swam in the ocean:

Fallen asleep in school?

Cried when someone died:

Saved emails?:

Been cheated on:

***********What is-***************

What's right beside you?

What is the last thing you ate?

--------------------------Ever Had- -------------------------------

Chicken pox:

Sore throat:


Broken nose:

------------------Do You------------------------------------

Like Picnics?

Like reading?


Who was the last person you danced with?

-------------------Final Questions--------------------------

what are you listening to right now?

Hated someone in your family:

Diamond or pearl:

Indoors or outdoors:

----------------------------Today did you------------------------------

1. Talk to someone you like?

2. Get sick?

3. Sing?

4. Talked to an ex?

5. Missed someone?
--------------------------Last person who---------------------------

6. Was in your bed besides you?

7. Talked to on the phone?

8. Made you cry:

9. Went to the movies with?

10. You went to the mall with?

----------------------------Have you ever--------------------------------

11. Been to Europe:

12. Been to Asia?

13. Been to Russia?

14. Been to the Bahamas:

15. Been to Mexico:

16. Been to Canada:

17. Been to Africa:


18. Do you like someone at the moment:

19. What books are you reading right now:

20. Best feeling in the world:

21. Future kids names:

22. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:

23. What's under your bed?

24. Favorite location?

25. Who do you really hate?

26. Do you have a job:

27. What’s your favorite color?

28. Are you lonely right now:

Finish time:

With however long it took you to complete this, post as
"my ___minute survey"