The musings of another Freak in the Freak Kingdom...

Friday, August 24, 2007

I Hate The World Today

Yesterday, I was visiting a friend of mine at her apartment. I went right after work, and I was there for several hours playing World of Warcraft (we’re geeks, we know). At the end of the night, I packed up my laptop and everything, and headed down to my car to go home. When I got to my car, I discovered that someone had, from the looks of it, thrown a rock or something at one of my rear windows, and cracked the entire thing. I’m not talking a small crack, or a little bit of spider-webbing. The entire window was covered in cracks. There is not an inch of space on the window where there is not a crack.

What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. People?

There really is no way for me to find out who exactly it was that did it, as the apartment complex has no security cameras, and only one foot-patrol security guard, but I have my suspicions.

For one thing, un-attended children (twelve and under) roam this slum in packs of a dozen or so at just about all hours of the day. Being that this apartment complex is rent controlled, it is inhabited by the sort of lazy fucks who work twenty hours a week (if that), and crap out four kids that they can’t afford, and have no interest in actually raising.

My other suspicion is the teenage kids who hang around the apartment complex at night (when the packs of children are no longer running around) in groups upwards of thirty. These are the bastards that the un-attended children will grow into. These are the little fuckers that, as I’m walking up to my friend’s apartment, yell things at me like “Fuckin’ cracka’!” and “Stupid white-boy!”

Apparently racism is only unacceptable when a white guy is the one doing it.

The really frustrating part of all of this: There is absolutely nothing I can do. All I really can do, is keep my head down like a good white boy, and pay to have my window fixed, out of my own pocket.

I could call the apartment’s management company, but I can almost guarantee that they won’t give a shit. I could call the police, but really….what would they do? There is no evidence against any particular person, and they have about forty suspects that they could work with. Not to mention, they have no revenue to collect from the incident, so why would they be interested? I could try to reason with the teenagers and children that are roaming around the place when I come and go, but I think we can all agree that there is no reasoning with these little bastards who think that they own the world. I could take matters into my own hands, and personally beat every single motherfucking teenager and child that roams that hellhole into a bloody pulp, but we all know what that would be, being that I’m a white guy: A hate crime. Of course it’s a fucking hate crime, you retards. I hate dumbass, thugged out, criminals who have no respect for other peoples’ property; and I fucking hate idiot low-income parents who crap out as many kids as their welfare can support, with little to no interest in actually ever taming the little bastards. Besides, even if the legality wasn’t an issue, that would just invite more of these assholes to come fuck with my car.

I can’t wait until I start being told to move to the back of the bus.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Why Isn't Everyone Taught Manual?

I got a new car yesterday....well, new to me. It is a 2002 Honda Civic EX Coupe. It is a pretty nice little car. Two door, power windows/locks, sun/moonroof, manual transmission. The only problem....I don't drive manual, or rather, didn't until now. I'm getting the hang of it. The only problem I have right now is getting moving from a stop. Once I'm moving, I have no problems switching gears. I'll get it eventually.
In any event, this brings me to my point: This would be so much easier if I had learned how to drive with a manual transmission right from the start. Why isn't everyone taught this? It isn't really that difficult, and you never know when you might need to drive a stick-shift. If you can drive a manual, you can drive an automatic. If you can drive an automatic, you may not necessarily be able to drive a manual. Why not just teach everyone to drive manual?

Meh. I had a point when I started this. It appears to have escaped me. Maybe I should just get back to angrily ranting?

Bah! No more time. Off to work I go.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Why? Why must I endure this on a daily basis?

If you're reading this, odds are you know me. If you know anything about me, you know that people annoy the hell out of me quite easily. But for the love of god, why do I have to endure the things that I have to endure day in and day out?

This story may require a little bit of back-story, so here it is. Where I work, there is a really nice lady a couple cubicles away from mine. I'm not entirely sure what she does, but regardless, she's still quite a nice person. One thing that annoys me about her, however, is the fact that at least once a day I hear her telling someone that her son owns his own business. This is just staggeringly stupid, and here's why: He washes cars.
If you have employees, you own a business. If you wash cars, you own a fucking hose and maybe a god-damned bucket. It's basically two steps up from a fucking lemonade stand (the middle level being, of course, dealing crack).
If she had a cock, I would punch her in it every time I am exposed to her blathering about her son and his wonderful "business".

But I digress. The real purpose of this entry is to convey how much I absolutely despise children, and their god-awful parents.

Just the other day, this lady's son, the paradigm of human intelligence, came into the office to visit her for whatever reason. I guess the car-washing business is slow right now or something. Apparently, he felt that it was appropriate to bring his wife and child. His wailing, sobbing, screaming, whining, smelling, dripping child. I'm trying to get my work done, and this miniature air-raid siren somehow finds it's way into the office. I don't get paid enough for that shit.
To top it all off, they kept apologizing to everyone for all the noise. Yeah. Thanks. Apologizing does not silence your god-damned yard-ape. Next time leave your precious little snowflake in the cage at home where it belongs.

Sometimes I just want to commit seppuku.