The musings of another Freak in the Freak Kingdom...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Al Roker Needs to Be Fired

And black-balled.

For those who are un-aware of what is going on, Al Roker made certain comments regarding the London Olympics Logo that could be construed as offensive.

"Remember that controversial Olympic logo for the 2012 Olympics in London? Some folks have complained that the campaign actually sent them into epileptic seizures. Well, we asked you to weigh in on our Web site in an informal poll; those of you who could get up off the floor after shaking around were able to actually log in . . ."

This has quite a few people in an uproar. Of course he has already done his little apology tour. All should be forgiven, right? Now we come to the point where I actually give a rats ass about this whole situation. Normally, I don't give a crap when someone says something that may be even slightly offensive. However, some of you may remember Don Imus. Al Roker was one of the many Mouthpieces that railed on an on about how what Don Imus said couldn't be forgiven, and that he should lose his job.

Well, Al, you need to be held to the same god-damned standard.

The only problem with all this is that Al has something that Don Imus wasn't fortunate enough to be born with: A race card.

I hate the media.

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