The musings of another Freak in the Freak Kingdom...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

'The Beastie Boys' Is Not Rock Music.

Here in Las Vegas, we have two rock music stations, Xtreme Radio and KOMP. Both of them play Beastie Boys fairly regularly. Even the rock radio station back home in Virginia, DC101, played them. Who in the hell decided that they were rock music? Whose decision was this? Whoever it was, I want them drawn and quartered. This is just god-damned unacceptable.

Wikipedia even describes them as "...a hip hop musical group from New York City". Someone please, for the love of all that is good and holy, explain to me why they are played on rock music radio stations around the country. Yes, they have that one (awful) song that is somewhat rock-like (Fight For Your Right), but that is not enough to classify them as a rock group.

This really shouldn't bug me, but it does. The other day I was listening to Xtreme Radio in my car, and they started playing Girls (which is just a terrible song, whatever genre you feel like shoe-horning it into). I flipped the radio over to KOMP, because I refuse to listen to that garbage. They were playing Brass Monkey.

Good Christ, I wanted to drive into on-coming traffic.