The musings of another Freak in the Freak Kingdom...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Uwe Boll is an Evil Genius

I have a theory.

I think Uwe Boll is actually an evil genius masquerading as a director. It is my belief that he has been making absolute crap movies as part of a master plan to take over the universe. I think he intends to continue making awful movies until the public is just about ready to write him off completely (and I'm amazed we haven't gotten to this point yet), at which point he will unleash a film that will put Citizen Kane to shame. When everybody looks at his previous movies, and then sees his end-game film, we will be even more stunned by his genius, at which point the entire planet will unanimously elect him Ruler of the Known Universe.

Either that, or he is simply a truly awful film-maker.